Thursday, March 10, 2011

my story after working..

Salam ..seperti yang dinyatakan dlm entry sebelum ni,saya mau share yg sy sudah mendapat kerja yang diimpikan.. alhamdulillah..i will try my best to do ths job..alhamdulillah,first time smpai kat airport,dijemput oleh guru kanan fizik,kak laili n housematenye,k.pijah...ingat kan dh berumur sbb guru kanan muda lg sbnrnye.hee...

so far ok...ade test1 in this week..dah abes marking..i feel a little bit upset coz 2students from my class failed in physics n other 2 failed in science...may b smthing wrong somewhere...but the highest one is 90+..dun know what to say.. i need to do smthng about this..=) any suggestion??

what else ye...ermmm... actually i hv lot of things to share with u all..but intrnet cnnction not too good here plus i hv lots of other things to do n bla bla,i will stop here..will story nxt time k..-salam-


Zaleha said...

Ilani jd cikgu ye? gstt ke? ;p

ilhami said...

kak zaleha.. kak...bkn gstt..
apply melalui web mara dl...

haswani said...

waaaa...congrate..igt kan sambung belajar...