These thesis belongs to me...n I will submit on this monday(due date)..hopefully i can meet my supervisor on that day coz i don't hv his sign yet.....huhu..Praise to Allah...everything goes smoothly to print n bind these thesis..
Now I would like to share with u all bout my trip to Saudi Arabia n Egypt,insyaAllah on the 5th May.. However,we still short for a few thousands, but we try our best to get the money.. So,if u all would like to contribute some,lets join our programmes:
xlama lg nk berangkat.wat preparatin baik2 ya.skrg da masuk summer:)
tq che husna...
doakan smoga prgrm kami b'jln
husna bg la tips preparaation ke mesir..=)
tahniah lani...jgn lupa jemput klu kawen nanti ya..hehehe
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