Wednesday, February 10, 2010

.: DiLeMmA:.

SALAM..Entry for today =DILEMMA...Yeah,as final year student,it's time to think about my future when i finish my studies soon..So,if I want to apply for master in local university,i must to apply now..due date to register master course by coursework@mix mode for almost all ipta is in the end of Feb..So,apply now if u want to apply for that..Here are some links for local u:

But,i'm still dreaming to further my study oversea although i know i'm not qualified enough to apply..however,for master,i wish i could do something meaningful along the study period. I mean if i still study in local uni n stay in hostel,there is no different with my study for degree unless i rent a house n hv a car(in case when i hv my cnfdence in driving). If i can further in oversea, i wish i could rent a house,learn to cook(i couldn't do this in hostel in local u),learn how to communicate with other foreigner(as long as i live in M'sia,i don't hv strong willing to learn the other language coz Kelantanese language seems perfect to me(>;<), then, experiencing 4 seasons..So,that's must be wonderful life.. At the same time,lots of obstacles we must to overcome when we live in country which Muslim is minority,so, this will be challenging and testing our akidah as well..but,as Muslim,remember this:

"Berjalanlah di muka bumi dan perhatikanlah, bagaimana Allah memulai ciptaan, kemudian Ia mengulangi penciptaan itu sekali lagi. Sesungguhnya Tuhan Berkuasa atas segala sesuatu." (Al-Quran,29:19-20)

Then,when i think about this thing over n over, i would like to have a job right after graduate. huhu... but,the other people say that because i'm not too old yet,so it's better to further study first if i have an instinct to do that,.. however,i want to apply for job too..n make another evaluation if i get the conclusion,for the early step,apply everything that i'm qualified to apply,right??..then,lillahi tawakkal...


chenurulhusna said... doakan Lani dpt melanjutkan master:)amin..overc:)

ilhami said...

amin...doa sahabat yg amat ku harapkan..=)