Tuesday, December 29, 2009

on9 DgN TUHAN...

Salam...today,i would like to share with u all about a book i have read last week..the title is "Online dengan Tuhan" by Zulkifli Khair.publisher:PTS Publication..buku ni sgt best sbb cara pengolahan n ilustrasi nye sesuai with my teenager's heart..hehe.. we live in era cyber,so, we can relate lots of things in our life with technology..however,who's the creator after all? antara tjk2 menarik dlm buku ni:

-wahyu tanpa wayar
"usah terlalu kagum dgn teknologi tanpa wayar sedangkan setiap hari kita berkomunikasi dengan Tuhan tanpa wayar"

-sekiranya Tuhan keluarkan bil
"Dan sekiranya engkau menghitung nikmat2 Allah,pasti ia takkan terhitung."
(surah Ibrahim:ayat 34) "bayangkan apabila Tuhan mengeluarkan bil oksigen yg kita sedut sejak dilahirkan shgga sekarang.Pasti kita tak mampu mmbyrnya"

-bukan semua yahudi jahat
"yahudi terbhagi 2klmpk-sephardim(20%){merupakn ktrnn nabi Bani Israel,bersusur galur dr Nabi Yaakub} dan ashkenazim(80%){merpakn ktrnn Khazaria yg diyahudikan sktr 711M) "Zionisme adalah aliran politik yg jd dasar pnbhn ngara Israel.Bukan semua Yahudi menyokong Zionisme dan Israel dan bukan semua pndokong Zionisme ialah Yahudi."
The interesting fact is Muhammad Asad(Leopold Weiss) adalah cth tokoh Islam brtaraf dunia dan berbangsa Yahudi.Beliau trkenal dgn buku The Road To Mecca,di smpg mghslkn tfsr lengkap al-Quran,The Message of the Quran.

-sekiranya skrin dapat berkata2
"if tetikus boleh berubah jd tikus,tentu jari-jemari pengguna yg asyik mengklik almt URL yg bukan2 digigit tnpa sbrg belas kshn"

-org smbhyang disayangi Tuhan
'ade cite menarik yg pnjg dlm bab ni,so, sila dptkn buku ini utk dibaca sndiri ea,especially kaum adam'

-kebahagiaan menurut Pak Hamka
'Pak Hamka prnh dipenjarakan oleh Pres. Sukarno tnpa dibuktikan bersalah.Namun begitu,beliau adalah imam smbhyg Jenazah bg Sukarno"

-klik makruf delete mungkar
"perhatikan Ruqaya al-Ghasara.Dia brjaya menafikan mitos tudung melambatkn larian.Malangnya sstgh jurulatih Muslim sndiri melarang pelari wanitanya memakai tudung.Sebaliknya seolah2 berkata "pakailah seluar sesingkat mgkn spy rntangan udara dpt dikurgkan n pecutan dpt ditingkatkn".
selain dr cite d ats,byk lg huraian yg bgs2 dlm buku ni,so,blh la dptkan d kdai2 buku berhampiran@mmbuat pnjaman dr sesiapa yg ada..ok..(~j~)

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

FiNaL sEmEsTeR??sO.....??

Salam..insyaAllah this is the final semester for my degree..i hope that this semester will be the most wonderful one..haha..however, for this first week,i feel quite unmotivated.,.may b the factors that contributed to this feeling are:
-not enough holiday..only spent 1 wk at home..
-scary with 4credit psm2..lots of things i still blur..

-must to undrstand the styles of new lctrrs as they nvr teach me b4..
-entrepreneur sbjct sounds will full wif heavy work..
-the arrangment in my room just same as last sem..i must make some changes..

My result for the last sem alhamdulillah,increased 0.08 from the previous one..here,i would like to share my opinion about this..actually,i'm not the good one who understand evrything the sbjcts i hv learnt..if u ask me any question from the 1st yr syllabus,i can't guarantee that i can answr that qstn correctly..BUT,if u ask me how i can maintain my pointer,the answer is i believe
in K.E.B.E.R.K.A.T.A.N..(blessing)..here are some believes that i believe will help us lots.. ok, i want to write in BM..to be touching..ngeee..

1) sesungguhnya, tido dlm kls lg baik dr tido dlm blk..(-0-).xle nk srh mlm2 g kls utk tdo..nehi..i mean if time tu ade kls,try sedaya upaya utk bgn n g ke kls w/pn nnt akn terlelap dlm kls..honestly, sy mengamalkn ilmu ini..ble kte dlm kls,dlm mjlis ilmu,malaikat ade d skllg kite mndoakan kite..so,w/pn kte t'tdo ms tu,kte trmsk dlm golongan yg sdg d doakan..klu tdo dlm blk,syaitan le yg sdg hasut keliling nye..so,sila lah dtg ke kls sedaya upaya,jgn ponteng with no reasons!!
gambar hiasan semata2..

2) bg lctrr suka hati...lctrr pn for sure akn suke bile rmai dtg kls w/pn ade lctrr yg x ambk attndance..try letakkn diri kte kt tmpt lctrr..klu sy jd lctrr mmg sgt sdh if dtg dgn smgt nk ngajar,tp stdnt nye x dtg..isk2.. -tolong set up tmpt lctrr mgjr..i mean,tlg padam whiteboard klu kls yg gn b4 tu xpdmkn..tp honestly sy pntgkn keikhlasan dlm bab ni..klu x ikhlas x yah..n klu tgk ade kwn sedang padam,x yah le nk bg arahan kat dia padam tepi sini,sana..diatau2 sndiri la,dh dia yg sdg pgg dusternye..klu tgk si kwn ni sapu xcuci,ambil la duster tu g padam plak..xyah buat action mcm si kwn ni padamkan sbb dgr arahan dr kamu..ok..n klu lctrr tu pkai ohp,blh tlg ltkkan ohp tu d tmpt yg btl..

3) melawat lctrr...klu x faham mane2 sbjk,blh pakat2 dgn kwn g serang blklctrr..serang dgn soalan le..klu g sorang2,kmgknn besar x akn d layan..sbb lctrr assume ko sorang je yg xphm w/pn hakikatnye satu kls xphm jgk..so,ajak 3-5 org yg nk jmp lctrr@x nk pn,mntak ikut jgk sbb nk ramaikan org,nk tnjkkn mmg ramai yg xphm sbnrnye..(tknik ini sgt berkesan..betul,x tipu!!)

4) buat asgnmnt betul2..biasenye,carry mark 50%..yg ni la kna score habis2..klu yg asgnmnt berkmpln,tlg bg krjasama..krja brkmpln ni kna saling menyumbang..bknnye saling mengharap...pas2,jgn le hntr asgnmnt lps due date..w/pn ade lctrr xkisah,tp tu kire bab mndisiplinkn diri la..dan kite memudahkn keje lctrr cek mrkh ble kite anta awal..

5) kbrkatan dari ibu...mntak mak doa kat kite ms exam..msg kt mak jdual exm,kul bape exam tu stat..(my mum practise this..she write down my siblings punye exam schedule n tampal kt almari dlm blk-tulis name anak yg mane utk hari ini,kul bape..)..actually,this is the biggest contibution to our SUCCESS..
ok..sekian shj...selamat beramal (*,*)

Wednesday, December 9, 2009


salam...i would like to share some story about KHIDMASRA'09(khidmat masyrkt rahman putra-gelang patah)..gerak kerja started from 1-3rd december 2009 while we went to Kg.Ladang,Gelang Patah on 4th Dec in the morning.Then,we were divided to our adopted family in the evening.we spent there for 4 days.so far, i got lots of experience as i never join khdmt msyrkt b4 this..lets enjoy the pics i upload here

1) for the 1st time ride the boat...vry excited(>0<).thanks to k.laila n family for invited us together..

2) i luv to see this pic..i think it's nice..the scenery of kg.pendas laut

3) we lived together in a house(xcept a kid named Huda)..for sure it's a big house..

4) actually,4 of us are the real adopted daughters of En.Abd Gafar n Pn.Jamilah

5) cut of pics that i edited to give to k.ani(3rd daughter),bella(5th daughter) n fizah(the youngest)

6) k.nor,mak's daughter-in-law n her cute son,Irsyad and clever daughter,Huda.

I would like to express my thanks to Pn Jamilah n the whole family for your care,prepared foods for us every breakfast,lunch,dinner..never miss any..,treat us as your own daughters,give us opportunity to have adopted family,always ask us to go to your restaurant even we don't hv enough tm to go there,pick up n sent us to our camp site for every programmes,support our programmes n many more..may our relationship will be blessing..

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

KaWan MaU beRLaWaN??

Salam..kali ni,ambo nk guno "mother tongue" ambo sbb nok sedak naip..haha..sebena nyo kalu tulih kok ore puteh slow skit nok tuka language tu..jadi,ambo nk guno bahaso hok wak cepak ambo buleh idea..OPS!!!i forget that the readers may b not understand my language..so, ok..i will use rojak language..as long as the massage can be delivered n understandable.. FRIEND WANT TO BE RIVAL??haha..ble translate tajuk entry tu...sbnrnye ni kisah bnr yg menimpa Momo...(tgk my lovely sam soon x??tp name watak ni xde kaitn dgn yg tu..) b4 tu,kte bace situasi yg d hdpi oleh Momo ni ea..Toto tu nama kwn Momo..

Toto: Prof, tgk mrkh sbjk XXX?

Prof: Ni dia..tgk la..

Toto: YES!!Ak dpt lbh tggi dr ko Momo...

Momo: O...gred same kn...
Reality- mrkh x d taip pn d slip..gred je yg d tulis..=)

Suatu pg nan indah..kami kuar dr blok yg sama pd waktu yg sama..TP,ble tibe dpn kls d mana kwn2 kami sdg kmpl b4 msk kls, si Toto bersuara..

Toto: YES!! Kali ni ak smpai lbh awal dr Momo...(~kata dgn bgga nye dpn kwn2)
Reality- padahal memang le klu ms sdg jln pndg blkg,jelas si Toto akn nmpk Momo..di sbbkn si Momo jln sdkt ayu ,maka ketinggalan skit..so,what's the point??i dun understand this kind of people..they try hardly to find any chance of my weakness to show their extra point...


Toto: Momo,tgk paper sbjk XXX?

Momo: o..ok..ni dia..
Toto: (smbil ambk paper dr Momo n tgk isinye)Eh!!mane aci,ak tulis pnjg tp xdpt mrkh pn..ko dpt plak..

Momo: Lor..try r tnya prof..kot2 xde point nye situ..
Toto: Ala..prof kn knl ko..mstila blh mrkah tggi..

Reality- klu dh tau prof blum knl awak kan Toto, ape kate sila jmpa prof and prkenal diri..dan silakan tanya soalan byk2 dgn prof..mstila prof tu knl Momo sbb beliau supervisor si Momo..supervisor mane x knl ank buah nye??sila nyatakan..

Sounds funny,right??However, this situations really exist in the reality..ni KISAH BENAR yg d ceritakn oleh Momo sndiri..mmg la Momo ni bukanlah ber geng mcm Toto..Momo ni suke kn freedom..xsuke terikat..Momo mau boleh buat ape Momo nk buat dan Momo bleh katakan TIDAK pd bnda Momo xnak buat..Klu Momo nk buat, by hook or by crook, Momo akn usaha smp dpt buat bnda tu..tapi, x brmakna Momo ni xde perasaan..dia pn human gak..alhmdllh,organ dalaman nye cukup..maka ada la hati yg beratnye atr 1~2.3kg dan ade 4lobes..atr fgsi hati ialah mensintesis vit.A,tkr glikogen kpd glukosa n bla..bla..

OK...ni nsht Momo kpd kwn2: it's ok utk bersaing..BUT bersaing la scr SIHAT..jgn bersaing scr SAKIT.it's vry dangerous la my dear friends..i mean,dlm hati mmg ok klu tekad nk lwn sesapa dlm exm@sukan@pangkat..tp,xyah la suarakn dpn2..klu x berjaya kn malu je..klu brjaya pula, syukur la pd Tuhan..tp ingat,ni sume smntara je..anytime blh ditarik blk..k..Momo pn sedia d nasihati if Momo silap..
"Demi masa.Sesungguhnya manusia berada dlm kerugian.Melainkan mereka yg beriman dan beramal soleh.yg berpesan2 pd kebenaran dan berpesan2 pd kesabaran."(al-asr)
*nama watak2 x berkaitan kpd mereka yg hidup@meninggal...-wallahualam-
#gambar ini hanya hiasan semata-mata..

Thursday, November 19, 2009

kArniVaL PenDidiKan KerjAyA-mtrk kedah,perlis & penang

from 9th Nov till 18Nov, i joined trip to kolej matrikulasi kedah,perlis n penang..yeah,that's my 1st time travel to north of peninsular Malaysia..i went there by van...our trip team;from UPU(unit Pemasaran Universiti)- en. salman,en. syazli, shamier(stdnt skim bkrja), kak ima(stdnt prktkl from unisel), prof ahmad kamal(joined us at perlis only coz he's busy)... then,from unit pengurusan akademik- en.kasim, en.suhaimi n en. raimy...group from fksg-puan siti,kak kama, puan hasmah, en. epul, en. amir, kak im...n a few lctrrs from other faculty that smtimes with us..(eg: dean fke,dr othman fksk,dr bakar account, dr melati account,dr yahaya fke,dr azman bio n more...).. my main objective join this trip is to improve my communication skills as i will talk with many students n answering the questions..so far, i try my best give the best service i could..
UTM team very supportive..we behaved like"belanda got land" u know what's the meaning??hehe.. actually, we try our best to get large area for our promotion as our team is the largest one compared to other ipt...so, we added more tables and chairs..it's not illegal k...the committee allowed us to do so.. our trade mark" kejayaan brmula dr selatan tnh air.."haha...just for fun..

Friday, November 6, 2009

.: RiNdU BaU pOhOn TiN :.

Salam..RiNdU BaU PoHon TiN??finally,i finished read this book..it belongs to my sis..TQ ea..
the author is Ustaz Hasrizal Abdul Jamil...u all can visit his blog: www.saifulislam.com
The story in this book describe the experiences when he studied in Jordon..how they survived there,the surrounding,peoples there,university system during that time n more....
ok..let me tell u one of interesting fact here..Do u ever ask why we use "bunga telur" as wedding reception in our culture..??u will find the answer if u read this book..it's a logic answer..once i read that paragraph,i realize that i never questioned to that culture....
Actually,lots of important places of Islamic history in Jordan...although u never been there,u can imagine the surrounding there as u have been there by reading this book with pure feeling...hehe...ok..enjoy ur reading!!

Monday, October 19, 2009


Salam..Dear readers.. I would like to share with u all about the discussion in our usrah 4 today n to reflect myself...,.First of all, thanks to ALLAH coz still give me chances to breath up till now and have the opportunity to join usrah this evening..Rasulullah s.w.t get the usrah directly from Allah s.a.w via Jibril ..and we get usrah from sister/brother, who's become naqib/ah...so, it's better if we 'niat' as to get one of sunnah rasulullah... Now, lets we think together, start from we wake up in the morning, how many "nikmats" we get from ALLAH? 1) nikmat of breathing..2) nikmat of eating..3) nikmat walking......4) nikmat listening...5)nikmat talking..6)nikmat seeing(as i'm rabun,alhamdulillah,not blind...) 7)nikmat submit asgnmt(yeah,no more asgnmnt 4 this sem)..n lots of other nikmats to type here,..
Surah Al-Mukminun, 1-11..
the characteristics of the faithful:
1) khusyuk dalam solat (learn how to achieve this..if still don't know how to be khusyuk, we must read the articles,books on how to khusyuk..)
2) menjauhkan diri dari p'buatan dan p'kataan yg tak b'guna(e.g:talking nonsense about someone..avoid make own conclusion badly for someone.we must THINK POSITIVE!!)
3) membayar zakat(up till now, my mom pay zakat fitrah for me..however,when we able to pay by ourself,we should do this)
4) memelihara kemaluan (to non-muhrim..all muslim must know this!)
5) memelihara amanat dan janji(as we promise to attend seminar@discussion at certain time, try our best to be on time..!)
6) memelihara solat(solat is very important although the 1st one already state about khusyuk in solat, this one specified on pelihara solat..that mean,solat on time and solat 5times a day no xcuse for no reason..)

ok..then,about time...about clock/watch...should we set our watch 5@10@30minutes earlier than standard time?..so, our naqibah told us a story that she got from her friend..actually, her friend's brother asked why her sis set up her watch earlier..i create the dialog to make this more clear:

Bro: Sis, why u adjust your watch to be earlier?
Sis: Just to make sure I prepared myself b4 the real time..
Bro: But..is it like u cheat yourself, right?

Sis: What do u mean?

Bro: Well, u must realize the fact about time..if it's 5.00p.m., u can't say it's 5.15p.m....u must do whatever u need to do at 5.00p.m..the things around u don't evolved to be 5.15p.m..if u late on that time,u should hurry..n if u earlier, u still can do something else while waiting..Although u set your watch earlier, do u set in ur mind that ur watch is early?

Sis : hehe..honestly..sometimes,as I realize that my watch is early,then, I procrastine in doing something..yeah..as i wake up,i remember that my watch early bout 15mnt,so i hm....

Bro : That's why i advise u not to do that..as u set to standard time, u will know how to estimate time to do something..u must face the fact and try to become realistic..i mean, time is not a problem..it will not be late or earlier in reality..the problem is on how u manage your time..please dear, be honest to yourself and your time..

moral of the story:i know u hv your own opinion about this issue..however,don't take it for granted..if u want to make change, now is the perfect time..lets practise.. Actually, we have lots of discussion for 1 1/2hours..may b i will type again 4 nxt tm..for now, reflect ourselves with the things we have discussed above..k..

Thursday, October 15, 2009

RAYA .:. session5

Salam...raya party?? yeah..i never miss the raya celebration organised by UTM for students..So,for the 3rd time,I will not ignored this invitation..They prepared for 5000 visitors..
may be,this is the last post about raya as Syawal will end soon..=)

Sunday, October 11, 2009

RAYA .:. session4

Salam..yesterday,I went to Dewan Taman U,just a few minutes from JJ tmn U...
VIP: YB Hj Abd Fattah Mahmood, Pgrsi Jwtnkuasa Pmbgnn Insan,Belia,Sukan dan NGO Krjn Ngeri Kelantan
TQ for the meals n doorgift!!
* Markaz Siswazah Kelantan (MSK)
* Ikatan Mahasiswa Darul Naim (IMDAN)

Saturday, October 10, 2009

RAYA .:. session3

Salam..Last night,i joined LAYLU IQRA at Merdeka Hall,KRP..it's hari raya celebration and award night to the club members..as committee, we were so happy as all the round tables full with the participants..when we go to some celebration@ceremony, we will be given door gift,right? so, for this event,they provided al-mathurat..i think it's a good idea n better than anything else like keychain@pen@note pad...

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

.: LaYLu iQrA :.

let's join LaYLu iQrA while we can celebrate it together with another members of the club..i wanna join this..may b the last one b4 i leave UTM nxt yr..hehe (furthermore,my name's there(>,<)..look closely..although wrong spelling..)

Monday, October 5, 2009

RAYA .:. session2

on friday night, i was invited to Nunu's open room...n K.Fida's open house...
TQ for the invitation..(no pics here coz i don't bring my camera..)

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

RAYA .:. session1

Salam...Dear readers..
HARI RAYA celebration??is it so excited?..yeah!!!especially during chilhood..
However, i still get large sum of duit raye for this time...huhu,..TQ very much for those who gave me...(>,<)..May ALLAH bless u...

posing b4 welcoming visitors..

Monday, September 14, 2009

.: KeTiKa CiNtA BerTaSbiH :.

salam...yeayea..gue udah nyiap bacain 2 novel ini...
Utk novel 1st ini,syukran jazilan ya ukhti hannah..she lend me this..almost for 4days i keep reading..huhu..however, i feel a little bit frustrated as the ending leave lots of question..so, i asking the other friends,who have the 2nd series,..praise to God, when i talked with aisyah in front of pqa,pqa told that she has one.. (>_<)..pqa,please..can i borrow? yeah, u can..arigato ne...

comment: this is personal comment...honestly, i luv to read these 2novels..vry interesting...the author is Habiburrahman El Shirazy,who wrote Ayat2 Cinta.. My friend told me that she don't like ayat2 cinta coz in that story,Fahri looks vry perfect as he get what he wanted and always be protected. She meant that character not for real..try to think again...
However, Ketika Cinta Bertasbih(KCB) quite different from ayat2 cinta xcept the setting at Indonesia and Mesir..The hero for KCB is Khairul Azzam..He's a man with good personality..He overcome lots of obstacles in this story..After his father died when he was in 1st year at Uni.Al Azhar,he sells bakso and other Indonesian foods in Mesir to get the money and send to his mother and 3younger sisters..He spent 9 years in Mesir as he extended his studies in order to maintain the business n studies..He never back to Indonesia for that 9 years..He always failed to engage with the girls almost for 7times coz of variety reasons...Anna Alfathunnisa,a muslimah that he admired most but get engaged with his friend,Furqan..Furqan,an educated son from high profile family,still want to marry Anna although he know the risk he need to face when his secret revealed... Lots of character with different background will entertain u when u read these novels.. BUT don't stop reading for the 1st novel only coz u will not get the message unless u read the 2nd series..The ending???Quite good solution after all..but may b the way to become that happy not as easy as we think when we read the early chapters of the novel..

Sunday, September 6, 2009


more clear:


together with:

after ceramah,we get our:

i think no need xplainatn as i stated in the post b4 this...

b4 leave the building:

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

TuNaS SainTis..

salam...today, i joined tunas saintis organised by PESAT(persatuan sains dan teknologi), Faculty of Science..my group members, Tan Yan Kee n Lyana..We presented the project that had been done during research training at Osaka...So,we just need to make the poster about it..our group...

the judges...

with partition neighbour,bay...


Only undergraduates students take part in this event..that morning, johor matriculation students came and visit our faculty..so,they came to this "exhibition tent"...but,sorry, i don't great them well as i have a test tomorrow n i keep reading book without entertain them..huhu..they're also didn't show their interest for asking what it's about...(>,!)
How's the result?Are we qualified to get the prize??may b i'll tell u in the nxt post...

Monday, August 31, 2009

Breaking fasT...

Yesterday, i joined breaking fast at MSI(msjd Sltn Ismail),UTM...sponsored by HEP UTM..before that,there's ceramah related to independence day...

waiting azan maghrib..
menu: nasi ambeng....

given for recite yaasin ...

Sunday, August 30, 2009

SCHOOL tiMe....Alma Meter...

salam..honestly,i'm longing to visit my old schools..(>,<)..however,lots of my teachers not there now...they transferred to the other school,retired n ...(`~`)..so,if i go there,just can see the changes there compared to my memories...let me tell u all bout my schools proudly... My first school is tadika islam raja dewa...a.k.a tadika tengku anis2,jln telipot,kota bharu... but,after searching for a few minutes,i still unable to get any logo of my tadika..so,just stated the name here k... i was in 1hijau(1995)...
Then, my elementery school is
S.K.Sultan Ismail(3),kota bharu....My class=1cempaka,2 cempaka,(3,4,5,6)Perkasa (1996-2001)....when i was in standard 1 n 2, i was vice president of the class..n from standard3 till 6,i became prefect..a fierce one..hehe..i have a few friends that stick together with me being classmate from stndrd1 till 6..wow..quite long term friend,however,when we were in form 1,no more..as everyone took their own path...i still rmmbr my principal:Mr Md Nawawi b.Min..i wonder is it he's still being principal there??
When i was in form 1,i studied at MRSM YT-Besut,kg raja,terengganu...i'm very xcitd when i went here for the 1st tm..i felt that chemistry btwn this school n me..oww...for the 1st tm staying in a hostel,it's very challenging...since the orientation week,we heard about "vampire,histeria...."n many more ghost stories from our seniors..quite interesting and scary..fortunately we lived in a dorm..my dorm=R2..so,evrytime we faced any prblms, our dorm head will annonce a meeting..
On February 2003, there's some political issue btwn YT(yysn trgganu) and MARA..so, we were asked to transfer to another MRSM as our school will be closed soon..then,the rumour spread vry fast about these case..then,the authority came and an official letter given to us n we were transfer by batch..my batch were asked to transfer to MRSM Kuala Lipis,Pahang...u should know Lipis,right??proud to say,Siti's hometown..(although i nvr been to Siti's house)..So, we transfered together there..because of this hijrah, we get lots of new friends and at the same time,we cntributed to the increased nu. of PMR candidates for 2004..huhu...my class=2B n 3B..
Unfortunately, my PMR result not so good as i expected,so,i'm not qualified to mrsm bitara..hwvr, i try to fill the form to transfer to another mrsm...just to be closed to my family..but, i didn't get that chance at the early semester,so,i try 1 more time..at the end of semester1,just 2 days b4 semstr holiday,my name listed for transfer stdnt..Oh...nehi....at that time,i already tagged along with my friends n teachers there..vry sad to get transfer...but,i didn't want to make this thing more cmplicated,i just follow the order.
Then, for 2nd semester in form4,i moved to MRSM Kuala Krai..only 1 hour from my house..1 good point..but, i must to start evrythg one more time..hv new frineds,teachers...new city to go outing..n many more..fortunately,stdnts here quite easygoing..so, it not take too long to know them..my 1st class here= 4A...then, 5F...Praise to God, i passed my SPM here with flying colours...(>;<)

After SPM, i get the offered to join Express MARA-UTM prgrmme..in utm skudai,johor..so,i postponed my PLKN n join this prgrmme from january till may 2007..n further studies for degree here till now...